The US loves The Paying Guests!

Following on from its success in the UK, The Paying Guests has now reached no. 12 on the New York Times bestseller list!
In addition it has also been receiving some wonderful reviews over there since publication, including this from the Washington Post:
‘Some novels are so good, so gripping or shattering that they leave you uncertain whether you should have ever started them. You open “The Paying Guests” and immediately surrender to the smooth assuredness of Sarah Waters’s silken prose. Nothing jars. You relax. You turn more pages. You start turning them faster. Before long, you resemble Coleridge’s Wedding-Guest: You cannot choose but read. The book has you in thrall. You will follow Waters and her story anywhere. Yet when that story ends, you find yourself emotionally sucked dry, as much stunned as exhilarated by the power of art.’
Here is a full round-up of reviews so far:
Best Books For Fall 2014 – The Huffington Post – 08/25/2014
The Columbus Dispatch, 14/9/14